неділя, 17 березня 2013 р.

Project work "Chernigiv"

In the North East of Ukraine , where the merge of the rivers Desna and Shaft of many centuries ago by Prince
Чернига founded the glorious city of Chernigov. The city was one of the largest in times of Kievan Rus and successfully compete even with the Kiev; he was destined to repeatedly influence on the course of world history. Today it is a small regional center, which, despite all the wars, invasions, ulcers and even earthquakes, has kept its unique image. At present, almost half of the Ukrainian churches that they were lucky to survive with the pre-Mongol period, preserved exactly in the city of Chernihiv. Get to Chernigov not be difficult or by train or by bus, the city is only 140 km from Kiev. Also in the city of Chernihiv promised to restore the river port, so that soon here will be hit even on the water . The most vivid memory'monuments Chernigov located in the historical centre of Chernigov - Prince's Detinets, which is also called the Shaft. Once there was a famous Chernihiv fortress, which in its time brought a lot of problems of the Mongol-Tatars, poles, Lithuanians, and even God knows-how of the conquerors. Unfortunately, time is spared to the fortress itself, leaving us only the Shaft on which there are 12 cast-iron cannons them in their time has given the city the Emperor Peter 1, thanking thus Chernigiv Cossacks for their courage in the famous battle of Poltava. Nevertheless, it was here that is almost a quarter of all survivors after the Mongol-Tatar invasion architectural memory'attractions. 
A special place among the memory'monuments of Chernigov occupies a modest on the type of house that is situated nearby  from the citadel of the former fortress. It Is The House Of Mazepa. Next to the Avenue of heroes is the main street of the City - prospect Mira. Here can be a good idea to take a walk, the more so that the prospectus there are some fine examples of architecture of the early 20th century: the building of the diocesan fellowship, which is now hosted the regional Philharmonic hall, the former hotel Chernigov «Aleksandrovskaya», which has now become the historical faculty of the pedagogical University, Chernihiv, musical College, which was first school for children with eyesight problems .... same Here, on the Avenue, you can see two memorial stones: one on the site of the former home of the famous masters of the tales Glebova, the second - there, where once stood the hotel Chernigov «Tsargrad». This hotel has in its walls Shevchenko, Alexander Pushkin and many other celebrities from the culture. By Catherine Church opens a magnificent view on the Gum, near the ancient monasteries - Єлецький with the assumption Cathedral, the Trinity. Єлитецьку founded a monastery of the year 1060 Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, one of the greatest Chernigiv winners. The twelfth century was a time of highest rise of Chernigov architecture.
After the Mongol invasion in the several centuries stretches period of stagnation and decline, changed the rulers and the fortified garrisons : Lithuanian, Moscow, Polish, Moscow again... Only in the period of so-called Hetman state - of the relative autonomy of Left-Bank Ukraine in the Russian - fallen Chernigov a little revived: the city became the center of the Cossack regiment and the regiment in those days was not so much a part of the military, how many of territorial-administrative unit.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the city of Chernihiv there was quite a lively cultural life. Already in 1838 here started the first newspaper - “Chernigov Gubernskie Vedomosti”. Twice, in 1846 and 1847 years was visited Taras Shevchenko. Toured in the city of the famous theatre and Opera troupes. 1877 open public library, and in 1902-th on the basis of the collection of a wealthy landowner and a patron of art of Basil Tarnovsky-young - Museum of antiquities. The city is connected creativity Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, who had spent the last years of life. In the city of Chernihiv began the creative path of Ivan the Poker, Basil Elana-Blue. Найпоетичнішим singer Chernigiv region remains, certainly, Alexander Dovzhenko, with its “Enchanted Gum”.  In the course of the 20th century, the city several times passed from hand to hand: the Bolsheviks, the Central Rada, the gang Muravieva, troops Hetman Skoropadsky and the Kaiser Wilhelm, again red, then the whites and again the red... in the Summer of 1941, Chernigov became a key point on the way of promotion of German troops to Moscow, in circumvention of the Bryansk forests and then the city during the German bombing severely affected. For four  the post-war decades Chernigov rebuilt and grew relatively quiet until April 26, 1986.
In the year of the largest nuclear catastrophe of the twentieth century in Chernihiv oblast there has been a lot of cases of various diseases. The first President of Ukraine and historian Mykhailo Hrushevsky enthusiastically called Chernigov “Ukrainian Ravenna”, comparing it with the famous Italian city-monument. And Leonid
Глибов, who worked as a teacher in the city of Chernihiv in the men's gymnasium, once in the hearts dubbed the city “the farm”.
In Chernihiv to today coexists ancient noble beauty and Majesty of acquired later
провінціалізмом. Chernigov is rapidly changing, now it is a dynamic modern business city, where viable echo of gray centuries with the rhythm of life of the twenty-first century.
Cathedrals and churches in Chernigov
One of the oldest cities of Ukraine Chernigov according to research by archaeologists, was still in VII century, and in the beginning of X century Chernigov has already been mentioned the Chronicles and documents. Domes of numerous churches and cathedrals by a rise in the hills of
болдинских mountains, on the Dnieper. Ilyinsky monastery was founded in 1069 the year of the monk Antonii of Pechersk and attracts many pilgrims, and now and tourists, due to old Антониевым the caves. In the monastery consists of three cave churches - Saint Theodosius, St. Anthony and St. Nikola Holy-rollers. The monastery is situated on болдинских the mountains, and under the monastery located the cave temples, where you can walk down, through Elijah Church - monument'monument of the XII century. Next to the ancient monastery there are two ancient burial mounds, насыпанным still in pre-Christian times-Ring and Ambulatory. In the ancient city is located the third Kurgan X century - Black grave, in which even in pagan times buried the Chernigov princes. On болдинских the mountains is the tomb of the famous Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky. The oldest temple of the Chernihiv is the Spassky Cathedral was built in the XI century in the old Russian style, абудівництво of the temple was financed by Prince Mstislav the Brave. By itself it is small, but has a powerful energy; it was buried Prince Igor sviatoslavovich. Miraculously preserved ancient paintings and unique frescoes. Spassky Cathedral is a functioning, there are still conducted the service. And next to him was the house of Archbishop, built in 1780 , now the monument'a monument of architecture.  Borisoglebskij Cathedral (here is located the Museum of architecture), built here in the XII century on the territory of the same name of the monastery was rebuilt several times, but during the last restoration of the ancient temple of attempting to apply the ancient view. Borisoglebskij Cathedral has preserved the features of the old Russian Church architecture. Next to the Cathedral is the monument'a monument of architecture of the XVII century - Collegium, which was previously included in the monastery complex.
 The most ancient part of Chernihiv is the Detinets, is located on a hill on the coast of the Gums. In times of Kievan Rus on this site was located princely residence with the boyars ' теремами, courtyards and numerous outbuildings. Ancient buildings have not survived to our times, now on the territory of the Detinets is the architectural ensemble of buildings built in XVIII-XIX centuries, namely: the house of the regimental Chancellery, the College, and old residential buildings. On the territory of ancient shaft, safe defended the city, is now the Park, where along the alleys are the ranks of the powerful ancient cannons, remind us of the defense of the city.
 Uspensky monastery was founded in the XI century and since then repeatedly destroyed during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and after centuries the construction of new buildings and temples of the monastery complex, and visit the monastery of tourists and pilgrims can see on the territory of the Uspensky Cathedral in the style of the Baroque, the Peter and Paul Church, a great Church-tower, spacious refectory, monastic cells, princely tomb, built of wood small house of Archimandrite. One of the old characters Chernigov built here at the beginning of the XVIII century Catherines Church, decorated in the elegant style of the Ukrainian Baroque.
In addition in the city of Chernihiv is worth a visit such memory'attractions as the
Museum Tarnovsky, Church, Arts Museum, House-Museum of Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky.

The estate Kharitonenko and Tarnovskyh in Kachanivka - the only one in Ukraine, which has survived in its entirety, despite the war and the revolution. The Palace is situated in 170 km from Kiev on the romantic slope, which the two sides washed by picturesque ponds and rebuilt in order family patrons .Tarnovskyh To the Palace leads the Central Avenue, on the other hand which is constructed only one in Eastern Europe the George Church
Hozevita and the only family burial-vault of Tarnovskyh.
Tarnovskys admired Ukrainian antiquity and Kachanivka was considered the Ukrainian Parnasom - center, where artists: it often visited Nikolai Gogol, Mikhail Glinka, Mikhail Vrubel, Ilya Repin, the lion.  And in honour of Taras Shevchenko even put a young oak tree. Patronage has ruined
Тарновских at the end of the XIX century, and the Palace in Kachanivka was put up for auction and acquired the insular possessions of the king of the Russian Empire Paul Kharitonenko for 1 million gold rubles.  He modernized the facade, built a water supply and sewage system, spent electricity and phone and gave his daughter in marriage. When the couple walked down the aisle, Kharitonenko ordered to fill the main Park Avenue sugar, which was to symbolize the Bridal sweet life.
Today inter,Premier Palace not preserved, survived only house Manager, coach house, the house of the gardener.
Since 1918, Kharitonenko emigrated, and «Kachanivka» given the children's commune name Vorovskogo, then - as a
Home of rest. У the reserve «Kachanivka» preserved 560 hectares of the Park, sometimes he goes into the thick forest, where it is impossible to get lost. The romantic Park, green gazebo, ruins, 12 lakes and dozens of glades, where even in the high season you can retire.
1 April to 15 November, in the Park-drive tours, riding on the britzka, offers boating, fishing and braziers for picnics in the lease. On the territory of the reserve is working shop and a cafe serving tea and sandwiches. The Palace can be rented for special events. And you can just walk numerous romantic paths or sit near the gazebo Glinka, decorated with characters from his Opera "Ruslan and Ludmila". Especially romantic estate seems evening, when the light the shadows come to life over the Central entrance, and in the sky circling owl.
In 20 kilometers from the «Kachanivka» is located wildlife Park "Trostyanets", laid Ivan Skoropadsky, a friend and distant relative Tarnovskyy, the grandfather of the last Ukrainian Hetman.
Falcon farm
"Falcon farm" - the center of the green tourism, the pearl of the Ukrainian Polissia, where you can take a dip in the course of centuries and the rest of the houses, which are preserved with article XIX., in which successfully combines antique and modern technology. In the list of houses for accommodation are: House, Victoria House, the coachman, the House of Jonathan, the Family nest, Behind a fence, Sinova...